Trier University offers a variety of Bachelor's as well as Master's programmes of study. Here you find a list of all programmes and a link to your department.
In Germany there are different types of courses:
- lecture (by a professor)
- seminar (lecturers and students work interactively on a topic)
- practical tutorial (in-depth development of a topic by students).
Courses are weekly, last 90 minutes and encompass 2 semester hours per week (SWS). Some courses are also offered several times a week.
Course Catalog of the University of Trier
The university course catalogue provides an overview of all courses that are offered in the different departments. To get to a specific course, you have to chose your faculty and then your subject. Once you have chosen a programme of study, you may select different types of courses to get to a more specific class.
Click here for the current course catalog. You can see the module descriptions for all courses and degrees here.
Learning Agreements, ECTS Credits, Transcript of Records
Learning Agreement
At the beginning of your studies abroad – or maybe even before – you set up a Learning Agreement between your home university and Trier University. Contained therein are the courses you will take at Trier University.
ECTS Credits
At Trier University you earn ECTS points for courses. The number of ECTS credits varies for the different courses and is dependent on the work required on the course. Please ask the lecturers of the course. A list of the ECTS Coordinators can be found here.
Transcript of Records
For this purpose, you must indicate all the courses you have attended and all the credits you have earned. The ECTS Coordinators of the department (or the International Office in the case of ISEP programmes and exchange programmes with North American partner universities) will then certify on the Transcript of Records all the courses you have attended, the examinations you have taken, the grades you have received and the ECTS credits you have earned.