To do after registration

You have successfully registered at Trier University and are wondering what to do next? We have put together a to-do list for you.
With these three steps you can start your studies well prepared.


Weiße Schrift auf blauem Hintergrund: "1"

Winter semester begins on October 1st. From this point on, you have student status as a first-year student. Your studies begin with the first lectures and seminars of your programme on October 21st.

We invite all degreee seeling international students to join us at Quickstart seminar from October 7-11.

From October 14-16 Orientation days take place at the beginning of your studies, which we strongly recommend attending. This is when introductory events and campus tours take place and you have the opportunity to discover the campus, get to know your fellow students and teachers, and ask questions.
Find out where your introductory events will be here


Weiße Schrift auf blauem Hintergrund: "2"

Find out which courses you need to take and put together your timetable for the first semester. With your registration documents you will find a sheet with ZIMK access data. You can use these to log into the PORTA system and put together your timetable there. The “How do I use porta” page contains all the important information and our explanatory videos will tell you how to proceed.

Weiße Schrift auf blauem Grund "3"

Did you manage to organise your finances for the first semesters?

Are you commuting to university or are you looking for an apartment in Trier?

How do you get to the University? You can find your ticket in the Portazon app

Find out where and how you can use your TUNIKA student ID card

Get smart with Uni-ABC

Does Trier Unversity offer Pre-university/foundation courses?

There are no general Pre-university/foundation courses at Trier University.

For students of the following programmes: Computer science and business informatics Language and text technology or computational linguistics and digital humanities a course on the subject of “Formal Basics of Computer Science” Participation is offered. It's voluntary, but  we recommend it Since it takes place parallel to a number of events on the orientation days, you must and can decide for yourself to what extent you want to take part in this course. Of course, you can easily switch between events. This will also be discussed on the first day of the course. Further information on this page on this page (in German)


Write us an e-mail at: losgehtsuni-trierde

Or call us at +49 651 201 2805

Or drop bye at the Student Counseling Service in Building V