Mandatory Health Insurance

In General: all students in Germany are obligated to have health insurance. You cannot be enrolled at Trier University without sufficient health insurance. 

Exception: Students age 30 and over are not required to have health insurance coverage, but it is highly recommended to sign up for a health insurance!


What do you need to do?

All applicants need to contact a German public health insurance provider (e.g. AOK, TK, Barmer, DAK etc.) before enrolment - regardless of your country of origin.

The public health insurance provider either:

  • confirms to you, that you are already insured sufficiently and that you are exempt from the insurance obligation. 
  • states to you, that you do not yet possess sufficient health insurance. Then you need to sign up at a German public health insurance provider of your choice.

► Based on the information you gave to the insurance, the public health insurance, via data interchange, updates your health insurance status (M10) in the administration software of Trier University.

► Always use the reference ID H0000570 for Trier University when contacting a health insurance.


Letters/confirmations in hard copy from the insurance can no longer be accepted!