Leave of absence

Sometimes it is necessary to pause your studies, e.g. because of illness, military or community service, a stay abroad or an internship, pregnancy or care responsibilities.


Apply for leave of absence

A leave of absence is applied for at the Admissions Office after your re-registration. Please note the deadlines for applying for a leave of absence.

Please keep in mind:

  • Since the student's status is retained during the semester of leave, the semester fee must be paid as usual.
  • No tuition fees (e.g. second degree fee) are payable during a leave of absence.
  • A leave of absence can be applied for after re-registration until the end of the leave of absence period.

Leave of absence and examinations

The leave of absence exempts you from the obligation to attend current courses. The number of university semesters continues to count, but the subject semesters are not counted for the duration of the leave of absence. The leave of absence exempts you from any existing examination obligations and therefore does not need to be applied for separately at the relevant examination office.

Leave of absence for more than one semester

If you would like to take a leave of absence for several semesters, please note that a leave of absence (and also re-registration) must be applied for separately for each semester! A leave of absence is generally permitted for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. In exceptional cases, a third leave of absence can be granted.

Students with children or students who are expecting a child can take more than two semesters of leave of absence (see § 3 Abs. 1 of Mutterschutzgesetzes and Schutzzeiten § 15 Abs. 1 to 3 of Bundeselterngeld- und -elternzeitgesetz). However, they must also apply for these semesters individually, one after the other.

Cancelling a leave of absence

Canceling a leave of absence A leave of absence can also be cancelled if necessary by submitting an informal application. In this case, talk to Admissions Office for help.