For "Outgoings"

You are studying at the University of Trier and are interested in attending one of the universities of the Greater Region? On the following page you will find helpful information about the enrollment for UniGR.

Who can enroll for the UniGR partner universities?

As a student of Trier University, you can enroll in UniGR student status at all UniGR partner universities through a simplified enrollment process and without additional fees. As a UniGR student, you can

  • Take courses - also online, of course!
  • Earn ECTS
  • Study multilingually
  • Access libraries and online resources

All students who are regularly enrolled in Trier have the possibility to enroll at the UniGR partner universities as well. This means that within the framework of the UniGR student status, courses can also be attended, examinations completed and ECTS credits earned there. The libraries, refectories and cafeterias are also available to students. Apart from the cost of the student ID card, there are no other fees. Please note the enrollment procedures and deadlines at the partner universities. You can find these summarized on the central website of UniGR.

UniGR student status can also be applied for with most partners for enrolled doctoral students. In addition, a large number of doctoral courses at the partner universities are open to doctoral students. Through the "European Doctorate of the University of the Greater Region" or the possibility to acquire a "Cotutelle de thèse", one's own doctorate can also be introduced to a European dimension.

Mobile in the Greater Region

Students of the University of Trier can use their student ticket to travel as far as Saarbrücken and Luxembourg. Further information on the area of validity of the student ticket has been compiled by the Studiwerk.

Further information on mobility in the Greater Region can be found on the UniGR website.