The "Nature & Technology" cluster comprises a wide variety of courses drawn from the university's portfolio of natural science and technical subjects - such as computer science, environmental sciences, geoinformatics, mathematics, and statistics. Bringing the humanities and technology together, the courses in this cluster offer students new exciting opportunities to enrich their traditional curricula with insights into emerging technologies that are transforming society as we know it. Innovative approaches from the Digital Humanities and Computational Linguistics, for example, equip students with digital tools and novel methods to apply to the study of philolology and the liberal arts and sciences.

Human being about to shake hands with a robot
Foto: Colourbox, Word cloud: MonkeyLearn, adaptd.
Word cloud composed of the words: Geologie, Meteorologie, Machine Learning, Kartographie, Fernerkundung, Künstliche Intelligenz, Erdbeobachtung, Hydrologie, Big Data, Mathematik, Statistik