If you are in need of medical care while you are in Trier, you can find the most important addresses of doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and for emergencies here.
A distinction is made between general practitioners ("Hausärzte") and specialists ("Fachärzte") in Germany. As a general rule, you should first go to your general practitioner, who will refer you to a specialist doctor if necessary. Whenever you go to the doctor’s, you will need to present your health insurance card. If you are insured by a statutory health insurance company, they will cover all the costs of your visit to the doctor – you will only need to pay part of the costs of any medicine prescribed. If you have private health insurance you must first pay for any service but in most cases the health insurance provider will reimburse you.
Trier University provides here the lastest information and answers important questions concerning the effects of Corona virus on University operations.
Further information on coronavirus in Germany and Trier can be found on the following pages: