Review of: "Die AfD - psychologisch betrachtet - A psychological view of the AfD": Book publicaton from Eva Walther and Simon D. Isemann in Springer publishers

The following publication from Eva Walther and Simon D. Isemann has been edited by Springer publishers:

Walther, E., & Isemann, S. D. (Eds.). (2019). Die AfD - psychologisch betrachtet - A psychological view of the AfD. Wiesbaden: Springer.


About the book:

Why vote citizens for right-wing parties like the AfD whose politics are often even contrary to their own interests? In this book psychological factors to explain this phenomenon are being discussed. Main thesis is that the AfD apparently offers solutions in three central conflict fields (economy, identity, trust). By using different sources like speech analysis, election statistics and party programms the influence of the party on voters is being analysed based on actual psychological theories. Finally, the book also offers a pragmatic view on information and prevention in order counteract right-populist tendencies.


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