Digitization: Relieving and supporting caregivers

What is the essential task of digitization in care? And how is this truly being implemented at Germany's second-largest private care provider, Alloheim, based in Düsseldorf?

Tobias Dämlow, Chief Digital Officer at Alloheim, was interviewed on these questions: "Mr. Dämlow, as CDO of Alloheim, you are responsible for the topic of digitalization in your company's more than 240 care facilities. In your opinion, what is the central benefit and task of digitizing care?"

Tobias Dämlow: "In our view, the central benefit of digitization in the care environment lies in the optimization of activities in the day-to-day business of employees and the improvement of quality through digitized processes. In this context, employees are relieved and supported. People in need of care and their relatives gain security and new possibilities in communication and support."

For more information, visit:https://www.altenheim.net/artikel/2022/05/24_interview_daemlow_alloheim_digitalisierung