
Objective & mission

The study will include research on data quality including its measurement, treatment of outliers and nonresponse, small area estimation and the measurement of development over time. A large ...


(DFKI) Alina Polezhaeva (DFKI) Valentin Rosar (Uni + DFKI) Tim Sachs (Uni) Ariana Sahitaj (DFKI) Maximilian Späth (DFKI) Kokulan Thanabalan, B.Sc.

Archiv Veranstaltungen 2014

Jahrhunderts, auf dem zwei schwer bepackte Tramps auf staubiger Straße zu sehen sind, direkt daneben ein Plakat, das für die Leichtigkeit modernen Reisens wirbt: „Next Time Try the Train. ...


Even if there are currently no scheduled positions available, we welcome applications at any time. If you are interested, we can also inform you about current vacancies.

DAAD-Preis für ausländische Studierende

Kartik Mokrala (Indien), Preisträger 2014 "The award gives me a sense of accomplishment for the hard work I have done after moving to Germany from India while missing my dear ones during my study ...


Tagung / International Conference 2024: "Bloody Politics - How Princes of the House of France Shaped Political Life (1661-1848) Ort / Place: Tagungshaus der Barmherzigen Brüder (Trier) und hybrid ...

To do vor Einreise

Please start planning early on, because some of the necessary steps take time. There are various ways to finance your stay at Trier University.


The exact date will be published in the lecture. Exact time and additional info will be communicated by the eLearning-Department once you are signed up for the exam.

Professur für Maritime Antike

Maritime history: how societies were shaped by maritime connectivity. Sea routes: modelling sailing times and shipping routes. Shipbuilding: Impact of technical changes on sea routes. ...

Elise Rahn

Since my bachelor's degree, I have been working on the topic of "motivational" absenteeism. Especially in times of a shortage of nursing staff and staffing limits, staff absenteeism not only poses ...


"DryLand - Nutzung hyperspektraler Fernerkundung zur Zustandserfassung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Trockenstress (Using hyperspectral remote sensing to capture the ...


Trier also became a center of early Christianity at that time. In the 5th century A.D. the Germanic tribes, called Franks, conquered Trier, and when the Carolingian Empire was divided in 870, Trier ...


And also concerning reality: "If I had the time I'd write" is more remote from realisation than "If I have the time, I'll write" (adapted from Gramley/Pätzold 1992: 144) There you are The ...

Prof. Dr. Tobias Schütz

., Schuetz, T. (2020): The impact of model choice on the quantification of seasonal hyporheic exchange depths using a multi-model approach on a long time series, Earth and Space Science Open Archive, ...

SS 2022

Falls Ihre Fragen hier nicht beantwortet werden: bitte wenden Sie sich per E-Mail an das Sekretariat. 16403672 and 3673 Basics in Chemistry: Part I: general and anorganic chemistry as ...

Programming Early Cinema, Then and Now (2009)

Among thrill rides and food stalls they spotted a strangely different attraction, they were lured by barkers into the cinema tent and discovered a spectacular time ride with early films. Densely ...

ECB monetary policy

Centre for European Policy Studies / Directorate General for Internal Politics, IP/A/ECON/2015-01, März 2015 De Groen, Willem Pieter: The ECB´s QE: Time to break the doom loop between banks ...

Dissertationen und Habilitationen

. >> Link zur Dissertation 2015: Dr. Andreas Landgraf, "Part-time entrepreneurship: Micro-level and macro-level determinants".


Dirk Rustemeyer Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft: Juniorprof. Dr. Tim Zumhof Organisationspädagogik: Prof. Dr. Andreas Schröer Sozialpädagogik I: Prof.


These include (among others): Adaptive Systems and Personalization Big Data Collaborative Data Analysis Content-based Retrieval Consistency Databases in the Cloud Databases on Modern ...