

Registration is open in March or April (for the summer semester) and October (for the winter semester). For the A1.1 course, please register online in PORTA.

European Energy Markets (Part I)

Graphical illustrations will support the intuition for the material. In the summer semester 2019 there will be a seminar based on this lecture.

Infos für StudienanfängerInnen

If you start studying in the summer semester, choose the courses of the 2nd semester instead (and then catch up on the courses of the 1st semester in the following winter semester): ...

Exchange outside Europe

If you wish to study abroad at a university that is not one of our partners, for example at a summer school (at least 30 days) or as an exchange for a semester (up to 5 months), you can apply ...

Information for Incoming Students

Classes offered in English We aim at teaching a minimum of four classes in English each semester. Here is the list for the upcoming two terms (last update 21 March 2024): Summer Term ...

Active Students

Research case studies are usually offered in winter semesters. There is a meeting at the end of each summer semester where available topics are presented and groups are formed.

Trier Center for American Studies

The Trier Center for American Studies (TCAS) is an academic center at the University of Trier devoted to an interdisciplinary focus on American literature and culture in both teaching and research. It was ...


Exkursionsangebote für 2024 und Anmeldung zur Exkursion Due to ongoing restrictions as part of the Corona Pandemic response, there is no guarantee that all scheduled excursions can be held during the 2021 ...

Infos für StudienanfängerInnen

If you start studying in the summer semester, choose the courses of the 2nd semester instead (and then catch up on the courses of the 1st semester in the following winter semester): ...

Zulassung und Einschreibung

Structured programmes do usually start at the beginning of either a winter or summer semester. Please find here the current semester dates. Promotionsinteressierte, die an der ...

Modul „International Strategies and Retail Marketing"

Bernhard Swoboda/Research assistants Scheduling Each summer semester Content This course takes into account the sales-side entrepreneurial internationality, which - beyond ...


Offered in the winter semester: Lecture Educational Psychology (5 credit points) (Department of Educational Psychology) Offered in the summer semester: Lecture Psychology of ...


Date: by appointment during the lecture periods (summer/winter semester) Location: online / by telephone Type of event: individual one-on-one interviews Presenters: Nicola Rosch, ...

M.A. International Economics and Public Policy

It is an integrated program with three political science modules, three macro-economics modules, and another three modules which can be chosen from either political science or macro-economics. Here you find ...


NRF Short Stays in South Korea for German Graduates In cooperation with the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), the DAAD arranges scholarships for a short research stay in Korea as part of the ...


Students writing their bachelor's thesis in the Department of Social Psychology are asked to provide proof of the required 40 SONA-Credits to the department office (Room D219) in due time before registering ...

M.Sc. Economics (in English)

Economics - European Political Economy Academic degree: Master of Science Program duration: two years (four semesters) Required coursework: 120 ECTS (CP - Credit Points) Starting date: winter ...

Konzeption des Schwerpunktbereichs 3

Semester Kollektives Arbeitsrecht I (Schwerpunkt: Betriebsverfassungsrecht) 3 SWS Europäisches Arbeitsrecht (Grundlagen, Regelungen des Individualarbeitsrechts) 2 ...

Curriculum Vitae

Brush) Spring term 2008 Academic Visitor at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK May 2008 Cornell University, Institute of Economy & Society, USA ...

Koordination & Leitung

Next to annual projects, like participating in the summer festival of the University, they also organise events during the semester in order to help international students to come in contact ...