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Today together with Canadian First Nations and Inuit, they belong to the constitutionally acknowledged group of Canadian Aboriginal peoples. The political development of a distinct Métis nation ...

Screen1900: DVD 1 - Charity and Social Care

Controversies concerning the justification, necessity and limits of aid surrounded the public discussion on the ‘Social Question’ from the beginning: able-bodied poor people of working age were ...

Seafile-Hilfe: Grundlegende Funktionen

Click on the Generate button and a Download-Link will be displayed. Which you can share with other people. For more information, see Share files. Öffnen Sie zunächst eine Bibliothek, in dem Sie ...

Studiengänge von A-Z

Advice or questions regarding examinations, can be posed to the following people: the examiners the departmental academic advisors the staff of the examination offices ...


Conference in Early Modern Intellectual History, University of Newcastle, UK 11/2014 Rapin’s Histoire d’Angleterre: A Best-Seller in the Republic of Letters, Moveable ...

Professur für Digital Humanities

A list of people who work in the section Digital Humanities and/or teach in the relevant study programs.

Lyrik in Russland, Deutschland und Japan (DAAD)

Hinzu kommt eine erste Ausdehnung der Zusammenarbeit durch neue Kontakte in Südkorea und Taiwan aus den Fächern Germanistik und Slavistik, welche durch eine Konferenz People and Cultures in Motion: ...

Desert Island Disks

Fortunately, the prices were so steep that we ended up high in the air, far away from the fashionable people. When we left the building, I saw a woman walking out just in front of me wearing a shabby ...


Participants of the first SPIRIT Summer School in September 2021 took a full week to learn and create and exchange with other people and mentors. (Source: SPIRIT Homepage) Tamara Freis and ...

EU-Förderung im Überblick

In terms of content, the ESF Plus should in particular improving access to employment, education and training, active inclusion, the socio-economic integration of third-country nationals, ...

Ethnologische Zeitschriften

Human Ecology "An Interdisciplinary Journal provides a forum for papers concerned with the complex and varied systems of interaction between people and their environment. Research papers from such ...

Exegetisches Seminar (WS 07/08)

Iole Fagnoli, Mailand/Bern. Maintaining the peaceful co-existence of people of different faiths is one of the greatest challenges that societies face today.

Essen & Trinken

Studiwerk offers a wide range of fair trade products in the Mensa and cafeterias, such as Caffè Correct. People can take part in cooking and baking classes, where anyone and everyone can benefit from ...


On the screens of auditoriums, Sunday schools, music-halls, cinemas and churches, visitors could witness orphans freezing to death in the snow, drunkards plunging their families into misery and helpless old ...

Labor zur Simulation von Virtueller Realität

In this virtual world, for example, objects can be touched and changed, or one can interact with virtual people (e.g., avatars). Thus, three-dimensional realistic experiences can be implemented while ...

Seafile-Hilfe: Dateien sperren

Any change in the library will also be synchronized automatically on the PCs of all team members. It can happen that several people edit a file at the same time. Your changes may conflict with ...


Cultural Heritage Studies examine, often in an interdisciplinary perspective, all traces of the past that a certain community or a group of people considers to be valuable or to require protection. ...


Kranz In the project “Life Stories” (funded by the German "Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung", BMBF; 2017-2020) we successfully implemented and evaluated an intergenerational and generativity ...

Information for Outgoing Students

Some things will need to be finalised soon after you arrive, for example rental contracts, university registration, and learning agreements. Make a list of the people you will need to contact at the ...