Download: ERASMUS Application documents

How do I apply for an ERASMUS+ stay abroad?

Here you will find all the necessary information and forms for your ERASMUS+ application. Please read the instructions for the required documents carefully before finally submitting them via our upload portal. Please submit the documents, completed in either German or English (unless otherwise stated).

The dates for the information events of the respective subjects as well as the application deadlines can be found in the programme lists.


1. Checklist

You can find the application checklist here.

2. Choice of Host Institution (“Programme List According to Field of Study”)

Please number the institutions you are applying for in the order of your preference.


Programme lists and application deadlines

Faculty I


Application deadline Programme list
Pedagogy / Educational Sciences31.01.2025Programme list
Philosophy16.03.2025Programme list
Psychology12.02.2025Programme list


Faculty II

SubjectApplication deadline Programme list

English Studies

02.03.2025Programme list

German as a foreign Language (DaF) /
German Studies

02.03.2024Programme list
Japanese Studiesafter consultation with Anne Freihoff 

Classical Philology

02.03.2025Programme list
Media Studies02.03.2025Programme list
Romance Studies02.03.2025Programme list
Slavic Studieswill be announcedProgramme list 

Faculty III

Subject Application deadlineProgramme list
Histrory28.02.2024Programme list

Art History

24.03.2025Programme list
Classical Archaeology12.03.2025Programme list
Political Science16.02.2025Programme list

Faculty IV


Application deadlineProgramme list

Computer Science

02.03.2025Programme list
Mathematics02.03.2025Programme list
Economics and Social Sciences You can find application information here
Economic and Social Statistics  


Faculty V


Application deadlineProgramme list


 You can find application information here


Faculty VI


Application deadlineProgramme list
Spatial and Environmental Sciences01.03.2025Programme list


3. Signed application form

Please complete the application form, submit it online, then print the PDF available after submission, sign it and upload a scan of the signed version in the portal (it may take a few minutes until the PDF appears). A photo is not required.

Personal Details / Addresses
Please inform us immediately of any changes in your contact details (internationaluni-trierde ) – particularly your e-mail address, so that we can reach you at any time. Please note that we have no access to any changes you make in PORTA or at the Admissions Office!

Please write in here the programme (=ERASMUS) and the field of study/subject for which you are applying, as well as your first choice of partner institution. The second and third fields for priorities should only be filled in if you wish to apply simultaneously for partner institutions coordinated by different subjects. If this is the case, you should write in here the subjects and your first choice of partner institution for each subject in order of priority. If you are applying for partner institutions coordinated by different subjects, you must submit a separate copy of your application for each subject.

Duration of the stay abroad
Please write here the duration of your planned stay at the partner institution you have listed as your first choice (specific dates are not necessary).


4. C.V.

Your C.V. should be detailed and in tabular format. By ‘detailed’, we mean you should include information about your degree progress (including any changes in subject or university, breaks from studying, etc). You should also include details of your particular interests within your degree subject(s), your career plans, etc. Please remember to sign your C.V.  

Applicants from English Studies should write their C.V. in English!

5. Certificate of enrollment

The certificate is available as a pdf document in the PORTA system.

6. Description of your study plan

Please write a letter explaining the subject-specific and personal motivation for your application to study abroad and for your choice of partner institution. Please present your plans for studying at the partner institution (e.g. specific courses or research). If you have chosen several possible partner institutions, you should focus on your plans to study at your first choice, unless your plans are very different according to the partner institution you attend.

Applicants from English Studies should write the description of their study plan in English and should not mention their name in this document. (anonymous evaluation)

Applicants from Romance Studies should not mention their name in this document. (anonymous evaluation)


7. List of previously completed courses with study results

You can find a list of your previous grades in the PORTA system – please upload this pdf document.

8. Certificate

Master students in addition please upload a copy of their Bachelor’s degree certificate.

9. Language test

You need to take a test in the language of instruction at your chosen host institution(s). These tests are coordinated by the University’s Language Centre (exception: Faculty II, see below).

More details and the test dates can be found here. An oral exam is not required and is therefore not open to you. Your test results will be communicated to the International Office directly by the Language Centre, so you will not need to do this yourself. However, please enter the date of your language test in the check list. (Please only register for tests prior to or on the day of your application deadline, not for later ones)

If you have a valid external language certificate (TOEFL, IELTS or similar), you can use this instead of taking the English test at the Language Centre. Please make a note on the checklist and upload it under "Other". In case of questions, please contact Anne Freihoff, International Office, phone: +49 651 201-2809.

Important information about the tests of the Language Centre

Test results can be taken into account for one year, i.e. if you have already taken the test in the course of the last year, no new test is required – but please be sure to state the date of the test in your application. It is possible to take a new test in the same language after 6 months at the earliest. Please also note that you must register for the tests in advance via PORTA and that the number of places available is limited. For this reason, it is also not permitted to register for several dates in the same language at the same time – if you do so, you must expect not to be admitted to any of the dates. If you cannot attend your appointment, we urge you to deregister beforehand – otherwise the appointment will be considered as attended, i.e. you will then receive 0 points.

Italian language test

This test will be administered by Dr. Onasch, room B 229. Please contact her to arrange a test date. Students who are unsure about their Italian language skills are also welcome to contact Dr. Onasch for language advice; the office hours can be found here.

Portuguese language test

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer Portuguese language tests. Please upload a self-evaluation and any relevant language course certificate with your application.

Special regulations for English Studies, Romance Studies and Slavic Studies

If you have successfully completed practical language courses (“sprachpraktische Übungen”) in the relevant language, you do not need to do a language test. However, if you are applying for an exchange coordinated by another subject, please submit a language certificate issued by a language instructor of your academic department; A form can be downloaded here.



>> Click here to got to the Upload portal <<


Please upload your application materials in pdf format by the deadline indicated above for your subject.



Application Results

Your application will be decided upon by the academic department to which you have applied. Decisive criteria are the results you have achieved so far in your studies, your motivation for studying abroad and your proficiency in the language of instruction. For details, please contact the Departmental ERASMUS Coordinator.

About 3-4 weeks after the application deadline, the International Office will inform you by e-mail of the result of your application.

Contact person at the International Office

Anne Freihoff, room V 21, e-mail: freihoffuni-trierde
Office hours: currently by phone (+49 651 201-2809) or Zoom, only Tuesday to Wednesday, 3-5 p.m.
For details please check Stud.IP

If you would like to receive the reports of previous participants, please contact Lea Franken (aaastud2uni-trierde), indicating your field/s of study and the universities you are interested in.