A male and two female students walk across the sunny campus with rucksacks and books in their hands

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A male and two female students walk across the sunny campus with rucksacks and books in their hands

University Campus

A male and two female students walk across the sunny campus with rucksacks and books in their hands


Picture Bachelor International Legal Studies
NEW: Bachelor International Legal Studies

Your passport to a worldwide career: the Bachelor “International Legal Studies” does not only impart knowledge of the German legal system but also in foreign legal systems. This course is pioneered throughout Germany by Trier University.

Wind turbines in the sunset
NEW: Master Sustainability Management & Economics

This English-language course combines sustainability with business administration and economics and trains sought-after specialists. The Master's programmes offered by the department of economics and the department of business administration at Trier University received top marks in a nationwide ranking. The application deadline for people from Germany and from EU countries is September 15, 2024


Picture Bachelor Health Sciences
NEW: Bachelor Health Sciences

For future health experts: this new course links the fields of health care, data analytics and management. This unique course is admission-free, and enrolment is open until September 15th, 2024.

Several people at an archaeological excavation
NEW: Master Archaeological Sciences

Germany's oldest city offers excellent conditions for studying archaeology. The new Master's programme combines topics from Classical Archaeology, Provincial Roman Archaeology and Geoarchaeology in a way that is rarely found anywhere else in Germany.


International students in a seminar at Trier University
English Taught Master’s Courses

Trier University offers several master's courses taught entirely in English, including courses in the fields of Data Science, Economics, Politics, and environmental sciences.


Forschende der Uni Trier decken Fälle in der Amtszeit von Bischof Spital auf. Außerdem wurde der Umgang der diözesanen Leitung mit den Fällen untersucht.

Erstmals hat eine Studie Böden in Weinbergen auf kleinste Kunststoffreste hin untersucht. Die Forschenden warnen vor Risiken.

Seit 50 Jahren wird in dem Fach an der Universität Trier geforscht und gelehrt. Zum Geburtstag gab es ein besonderes Geschenk.

Study, Work & Life

Die Präsentation der Kantforschungsstelle der Universität verbindet aktuelle Bezüge und historischen Kontext.

Studierende und Mitarbeitende können bis 11. August 2024 Lehrveranstaltungen für die Auszeichnung nominieren.

Der neue Kanal informert Schüler*innen zum Studien- und Beratungsangebot, Terminen, Fristen sowie Events.