

This project argues that German travelers, settlers, and officials were deeply impacted by these Iberian ideas, especially Spanish and Portuguese concepts of ‘mixed’ peoples – mestizos and ...


This project argues that German travelers, settlers, and officials were deeply impacted by these Iberian ideas, especially Spanish and Portuguese concepts of ‘mixed’ peoples – mestizos and ...

Exchange to Canada

Besides great classes, UofM offers many extracurricular opportunities and social clubs! I've met some amazing people by joining the Rainbow Pride Club, the climbing community, and the UM Student ...


Crowdsourcing is used to obtain the required amount of data, which makes it possible to reach a large number of people. The people are given the task of annotating texts. On the one hand, ...

Sozialpsychologie in den Medien

Eva Walther in Trierischer Volksfreund on the topic: "Why the willingness to donate is rising if people suddenly depart from ...

Publikationen & Vorträge

Oder: Die Kunst, produktiv zu scheitern. Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung „Connecting People: Einfach machen, Welt retten!“ der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freiwilligenagenturen e.V., Trier, ...

Archiv TGRD

They are used to predict the future behavior of people - even without their knowledge. In concrete terms, modern data analysis technologies allow conclusions to be drawn about people with certain ...


A particular current focus is on the question of how people behave in crises and how resilience in crises can be improved.


Learning independent of location and time is particularly important for interdisciplinary topics and courses outside the curriculum, where students hardly find a common date. Furthermore, interested ...


(Trier University) German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) Duration: 1 August 2021 – 31 July 2024 This project investigates the interactions between whalers and indigenous ...

Study Abroad

This will help you broaden your horizons and gain a new perspective on things, within and beyond your degree subject. You will meet new people from all around the world, learn/improve your foreign ...

General Regulations

Spending time in an ‘outer circle’ English-speaking country, such as South Africa, India, Singapore or Jamaica, where most people speak English as a second language, can only account for part of ...


That is why the Quakers, in their egalitarian spirit, wanted to impose thou as the only form, and keep using it amongst themselves. Actually, this usage offended many. People with high social ...

Screen1900 Member: Karen Eifler

She co-edited an interdisciplinary anthology of articles about representations of the ‘other’ family (e.g. families of poor people). With Caroline Henkes, she curated the ROM section of the dvd ...


Not only contexts close to reality can be formed by means of VR, but also people may actually interact with emotional stimuli in a VR environment instead of only observing them passively.


A nice example to show how spelling can contribute to speakers' knowledge about language. Length Very often, when pronouncing this word, people introduce an additional sound, a /k/, which is not ...

Isn't it odd ...

(Burridge, 2004: 108) … that although generally foreign loanwords are thought to be used by people who want to impress other people, the computer mavens in German do just the opposite? ...

Lehrangebot der letzten Semester

Einführung und Überblick. Berlin (9. Auflage). Peoples, James G.; Bailey, Garrick Alan (2012): Humanity.


The People's Republic is a fascinating, but also a challenging country with an increasingly restrictive political system and a multifaceted, dynamic society. All the more urgently, we need people who ...


The fact that communication works like this shows that people, even if they do not seem to be cooperating they do so at a deeper level.